The VX is developed and produced by Bennett Yachting Technologies Inc., a company specializing in and dedicated to building and servicing performance One-Design yachts. Our mission is to maintain the highest standards of quality in manufacturing and service. We are passionate about what we do and aspire to provide a 100% positive customer service experience.
We know that your recreation time is valuable. The race-boats we offer are built with the best technology and engineering available and use the most environmentally considerate systems in a controlled environment to produce consistently high results. To this philosophy we add the partnerships of the best associates in the business to source our components, rigging and materials. Boats and spare parts will be stocked in our Savannah, Georgia facility for quick turnaround.
Brian Bennett .
Brian grew up in Auckland New Zealand sailing and racing one-designs on the Hauraki Gulf, the axis of yachting in New Zealand, and the home of many of the today’s great Kiwi yachtsmen. After a successful sailing career in New Zealand, Brian traveled to the UK and Europe to sail Contenders, FDs, and 505s while running a one-design loft for Ratsey sails, then onboard a Whitbread maxi for the 1980 – 81 WRWR as trimmer/ sail maker and helmsman. This was followed by a tour with the 83 Victory British Americas Cup team as sail trimmer and sail maker. Since ’83 Brian has been involved in the business of providing experienced project management
services in New Zealand, and the US, running a high quality “speed shop” in New England, and designing and building the 1997 Sailing World magazine “Overall performance Boat of the Year” Viper 640. He has sailed countless events in numerous one-design classes. He is a Governor of the Viper 640 class, and is passionate in his support for the future of small sportboats.
Our manufacturing and service facility is just 15 minutes off I-95 in Savannah, GA, just around the corner from the 4th largest container terminal in the US, and also close to rail and road transport facilities for ease of shipping service.
Office Telephone: 912-236-3911 Email: |
Mailing address: PO Box is 13732 Savannah, GA 31416 |
Street address: 4110 Meding St. Savannah, GA 31405 |